this was her christmas outfit, we straighten her hair again and i did it all by myself. Jada just sat there watching tv, she is so wonderful in letting me do her hair.
little model
some of the house
Jada view and tree
random pictures taken
Jada watching tv with her cousins
Jada like any kid loves suckers.
Cody and I love to watch movies and so Jada was still up and we poped some popcorn and which she LOVES to eat.
Jada loves her teeth brushed and Aunt Callie gave her a tooth brush and tooth paste thanks callie
Jada and mommy trying out 3D glasses to watch tv
the last month of 2011
Well i have to say December 2011 was a busy month for our Patterson Family. The biggest news is that we moved to driggs from Victor and we bought our first home. so after moving and Christmas i am now finally blogging again.
Our little daughter is sooo smart and getting smarter each day.
* she knows how to get off our bed and furniture all by herself
*she grabed her bib and walked to her high chair to tell us she was hungry
*all i say is lets brush your teeth and she will WALK to her bathroom
* she knows where her belly button is
* knows please and Thank you in sign language
* knows where her hair and nose is
* when we are getting ready to leave she knows to grab her shoes( some times :) )
*she loves to bring me books to read to her
* She is walking all over the house now and can stand up from sitting on her bum
*when you hand her the phone holds it to her head and says HI ( in the cutest voice)
* in the morning i ask you want to watch cartoons and she will grab the remote
these are just a few things our little girl does now i wanted to share but mostly i don't want to forget them.
Jada has so much love and will give us kisses any time we ask and she will give her stuff animals kisses to.
WE had a great time over thanksgiving we went to Grandparents House (Hampton's) and my sister family was there, we missed Chris, Jason and Brett family.
Christmas was wonderful Cody and i had all day Friday Saturday and Sunday off.we spent time with All the families.
this is Jada little Christmas outfit i made for Jada
OH YEAH MY SISTER HAD HER BABY AND IT WAS A GIRL!!! McKenzie Rae Womack she is a doll . Jada gets jealous when i hold her it is cute
Christmas Eve we went to my family party and we did the Nativity Jada was an angel and the best one ever Christmas Morning at my mom and Dads opening her beach towel for July when we go to Florida
Tyler and Callie had fun dressing and playing with Jada with the foil stars.