family fun

This is Blaykli's blessing day lunch and all her aunts, uncles and her favorite cousin. It was such a nice day to spend with family and she looked so pretty in her white dress.

my baby girl is just a cutie even in her crib just sleeping.

Sunday we just had so much fun making her smile. She has found her hands and able to control them just a little bit more than she use to. She also has such a strong neck and can hold her head up so good for her age. Monday she will be turning 2 months old it is so crazy how time flies but at the same time it feels like we have had her forever we love her so much.


Brandi said...

Augghhhh she is just so cute. I am so happy for you guys! What a wonderful blessing. I love how you are taking in every single moment with her. That is exactly how it should be.

Lisa M said...
